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Depression laundry

Depression Laundry Folding

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Depression laundry

Depression laundry folding is everyone's nightmare. When you're lying in your bed, day one, day two, the laundry that you have been trying to get on top of just so no one runs out of clean clothes is now piling to the ceiling.

I will take you through how to sort your clean depression laundry that you have washed but didn’t get the chance to fold and sort.

The first thing you need to do, as I always stressed in all my writings, is to never touch anything when you are not ready for it.

What I mean by the word “ready for it” is explained here.

Let's start sorting and folding.

Once you are ready to tackle the pile,

  1. Take laundry baskets. A laundry basket for each room, or two if one is not enough.
  2. If you want to move the pile to another room or space from where it is now, then do so. If you are going to sort laundry from where it is now, you can do that too. Whatever works for you.
  3. Now, arrange the laundry baskets next to each other and next to the laundry pile.
  4. Now start sorting the laundry into baskets, one for each room. What this means is that you are going to put in each basket the clean laundry belonging to the people in each room.
  5. Start sorting from in front of you. Don’t jump around. Sort by where you are standing or sitting. Do not reach far away from you.
  6. Isolate underwear from clothes in a separate pile next to the basket to which they belong as you come across them.
  7. Isolate socks. With socks, you need to isolate all the family socks in a separate basket. Do not divide socks into rooms.

What to do now.

  • Now, put all the underwear from each room on top of the basket.
  • Next, take the baskets to the rooms.
  • Place each basket in a corner. There should be no clutter in the corner.
  • Make sure the corner is clear of any clutter or mess.
  • Take all the underwear and put them in a drawer.

Let everybody know about the clean laundry at the corner. Tell everyone to put things back after they go through the basket. If they don’t put things back, it’s okay; don’t stress.

The folding process

During your smart morning cleaning routine,. Just before you leave the room, fold a few items as much as you can and put them in their place; you don’t have to fold the entire basket, just a few.

Now move on to the next room and do the same.

You will do this every morning during your smart morning cleaning routine until you have folded everything.

Important note.

This method allows you to do things at your own speed. Things get done without feeling stressed and overwhelmed by the amount of work in front of you.

Remember, this is a depression method. It’s not meant to be your standard method when you are upbeat and have the energy to tackle things like you used to.

The process is to assist you in tough times until you emerge from rough waves.

It’s important to not use this method when you can do things on time. You could end up adopting these methods as your usual way of doing things. In my experience, it doesn’t help with long-term goals to get better and get back on your feet.

I used this method for years until I could slowly get back to some normalcy.

I was too tired to do things the way I usually do them, but I realized I wasn’t helping myself to grow and to be active and healthy.

I still use this method today when I need to. Sometimes for an entire week or more, because that is how long it can take for me to recover from a bout of depression.

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