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I’m A Man Cover In Dirt.

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I got a woman who’s obsessed with clean floors, shiny benches, clean carpets and spotless bathroom tub.

But I’m a man covered in dirt. I love a woman who loves things clean.

Who wears dresses instead of jeans, loves flowers instead of whiskey, packs a picnic basket for us and the kids for a picnic in the meadows, instead of having time with friends married but not satisfied with married life.

I’m a man cover in dirt. I chop woods, drive a 4 wheel drive pickup truck in the mud. Build homes for a living.

I come home smelling like a hardworking man. I can smell that woman’s amazing food from miles away. I walk straight in the door with my dirty boots, to the pot on the stove. I opened the lid, takes a deep sniff that knocked me off my boots.

The good woman I want is right here in my house. I hope she says; the good man she wants is right here in her house.

The boys in the pubs drinking their disappointments away. Joking about silly things to wipe away their pain. Some quit and move away, forget the kids and their life unfinished. They moved on to start it all over again. Some hold on with the hope they’ll wake up in heaven someday. They can’t leave the kids, can’t leave a woman behind unless you’re not a man.

A man’s status can be as heavy as a blue whale on a man’s back. A mans pride is in his patience and dedication to his family no matter what.

But this man got it right the first throw. I have a woman every man wishes they have.

Keeping the right woman deserves a big fight and lots of sacrifices. Just as keeping the right man deserves a fight and sacrifice.

She eventually put the pot outside the door for me, so I don’t have to rush inside to the pot with my dirty boots.

Come on now, stop complain about my dirty boots staining the carpet. A man has to get his boots dirty to put food on the table, dear. A man has got to get his boots dirty to get a roof over the heads of his kids and wife.

You like the house clean, so you put the pot outside the door, so my dirty boots won’t leave dirt behind every step I take towards your pot with a divine aroma that heals a man’s day of hard-work.

I’m a man in dirty boots and dirty jeans- I build homes to feed the kids, take the good woman of my life for a time in the wild, away from the buzzing poison city life.

I got a good woman; she loves to cook and clean; she loves me like no other, but she hates my dirty boots, but loves how I’m a man cover in dirt. But clean in the heart and the love I have for her. She knows I have eyes only for her. She knows I have no place for another one; she knows she has the lock to my heart. Though I am a man cover in dirt.

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