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Easy How To Keep Kitchen Clean While Cooking Part 2

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How to keep your kitchen clean while cooking part 2

You’re walking in a nice clean shiny clutter free kitchen.


  1. Put on the bench a bowl or anything to collect all your peals and rubbish as you cut your vegetables etc,

  2. Chop everything you need for your meal, including your meat.

  3. Cut your onion, garlic, ginger and herbs (if use)

  4. Put them all in one big plate or small different plates, just enough to fit each group then cover them.

  5. Get your spices ready on a saucer or any small plate and cover.

  6. Get out all the things you need for your cooking, including oil, or butter if needed, and any canned ingredients.

  7. Put them all on the bench, group together.

Empty, Clean, Put Away.

During cooking, every time you add something to your pot, wash the plate and put where you put washed dishes. 

Things like oil and other ingredients in bottles must return to the shelf straight after you add what you need in the pot. (from the pot after you use them to the shelf/fridge) If you can’t wash plates, and put things back straight away, you can put the plates on top of each other. 

Put them aside until you finish with adding ingredients, once you finished tossing your first lot of ingredients in your pot, and you have put the lid back on, you can start washing the plates already emptied of their contents and put them aside to dry. 

You can also load them in the dishwasher if you prefer (your machine should be empty when you cleaned your kitchen) Do this with all the plates until you’re done with all the plates.

Bottles And Cans.

when you’re done with a bottle or a can, put the empty can or bottle in the recycle or put in the fridge if you didn’t use the lot.

If you can’t put them straight away, group them together next to each other until you get the chance to do so.
Once you’re done with the pot and it’s now on its set temperature for cooking, use that time to put away things you don’t need anymore.

Start washing all the plates used for the cooking ingredients and put all other things away. (if you didn’t wash them yet)

Put your wooden spoon or any other spoon you’re using to stir your pot on a plate next to the stove (on the bench)

Last Step.

Finally, wipe your bench and empty your dishwasher (if full and haven’t done earlier) to have it ready for after dinner dishes. Better always to do this earlier when you cleaned the kitchen before cooking.

Now your dinner is cooking away, and your kitchen is nice and clean.

Not only you have now secure yourself a clean kitchen to serve dinner.  This will also get rid of stresses usually associated with serving dinner from a messy, cluttered kitchen.

As always, leave me a comment below with your cooking and cleaning routine.

If you haven’t read part 1, you can find it here.


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