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The big clean up week, with depression.

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The big Clean up, week with depression is a big problem for all of us with depression. No one can get away from this one. There is no doubt about that. There are many reasons we struggle with life and cleaning, and it's a sensitive issue. It involves self-care- our family's care and our surroundings, which affects our health when hygiene becomes a big issue. If we don't clean our homes, we risk having sick children, making the struggle harder. The big clean up a week with depression, is the week after you recover from depression.

This week I’m attempting to move forward a little. After, a bout of depression that lasted almost a week. Things are not in good shape. The mess is unbelievable.

There have always been little clean ups here and there to make cleaning a little easier. Which I must admit, that went well, and it was great. 

I have been doing that for a while with a task of the day that really helped.

Now I want to clean the entire house, but instead of doing it all at once. I want to do it daily.

Yesterday was the first day, but yesterday was all the usual things that I do every day to keep the house clean to an acceptable standard that I can cope with, as I wait for a full recovery.

So my yesterday, task of the day was my son’s room. I haven’t cleaned the room for since I fell sick. So it was a big messy day yesterday. 

On the weekend, I did nothing all day. I spent the day outside with my husband, came home and watch Netflix, then took a long nap until 4:00pm. 

After I got up, I did the dishes. The kids used throughout the day and have a superficial clean up. This was yesterday (Sunday). Saturday, I did absolutely nothing at all. 

So, understandably, today is a messy Monday.

I also had a huge laundry to tackle. I finished everything at around 8:30 pm and I started at round 12:00pm. It was a big day. By the time I called it a day, my feet were killing me. But what motivated me, was my dream to wake up to a clean house. My longing for a peaceful clean space to calm my anxiety. So it was a success.

Having these two goals achieved was my motivation to push on yesterday.

You can see the video on my YouTube channel. I’m hoping someone will find this an inspiration and motivation to move forward from where they are stuck right now, after depression. 

I will never say “it’s very easy”

 But, I will always say; “it’s not impossible”, because it’s not true.

Here is the list of what I did yesterday and you can see the video on YouTube if you wish to watch it.

  • I woke up 10:00 am
  • Had a shower
  • made my bed
  • had a hot drink
  • Start the laundry
  • wrote a post for the blog
  • washed the dishes, the kids left in the sink after I cleaned up and went to bed.
  • back to the blog
  • Start dinner preparation and put the dinner in the oven 
  • Fold an enormous pile of laundry. (see it on YouTube) 
  • Sort the laundry after folding
  • cleaned my son’s very messy room
  • cleaned the dining room to get it ready for dinner.
  • Served dinner
  • washed up after dinner
  • take the rubbish outside and cleared an enormous pile of rubbish from the week that was piling at the back of the house, because it did not bother me to take them to the wheelie bin at the front of the house.
  • Laundry was still going. I went between the washing machine, the dryer and the cleaning), all day.
  • Cleaned the downstairs toilet and the bathroom.
  • Put away the extra dishes and pans that were drying on the bench.
  • Clean the lounge and vacuum. 

The video of today cleaning is available on YouTube now. click to watch.

What will tomorrow day be like? I shall see. It’s been a hard day. I really feel like my body aching, but I’m very acceptance of it. I focused my mind on my goal, and that is what’s giving me the inspiration and the motivation to feel good even with the body ache.

It’s a strange feeling as I usually will breakdown with a long day of nonstop work, morning till bedtime. I believe we can make who we want to be in our minds and put it into action. I strongly believe “we are what we think”


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