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Depression and emotions

Depression And Emotions

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Depression and emotions are like a love-hate relationship. Hold your emotions and you become hostage of your emotions. Every time you get depressed your emotions rise. Every time you get emotional you get depressed, sad, stressed, and so on.

 It’s amazing how we all have common beliefs, irrespective of where we grew up. Some things are taught to us verbally, and some things we learned growing up watching adults around us and how they behave.  

Boys don’t cry is one of the most ridiculous things I have heard in my life growing up.  Boys are told not to cry like girls. Or only girls cry.  It takes motherhood operated with a heart and deeper thoughts with an open mind for me to realize how wrong and dangerous these beliefs are. 

It’s very common for adults to hide their emotions in front of their children and others. Except for one emotion, and that is “anger” 

Emotions are not there for you to do nothing with them, they are not there by accident. Emotions are made for a reason. A very good reason. Emotions are valves to release the steam of everyday life pumps and lumps.  Whether it’s joy or sadness. 

Emotions help us to release the pressure of everyday life ups and downs. It’s something we need to cherish and use whenever we need to.

when you don’t release your emotions, you become a hostage of your emotions. And the very thing that was supposed to free you has become your prison.

We have become accustomed to shaming emotions. We have made emotions into a shameful thing. We have associated emotions with weakness. We have eliminated emotions from our beings, making us vulnerable and dangerous to ourselves and the people around us, especially children.

I don't want to cry in front of the children.

We have made crying a sin. It has become a forbidden apple. It has become something associated with major disasters, and deaths. We have come to know this thing called “crying”, as a source of bad news only.

Children have grown up to fear seeing their parents crying. They get worried, and sad when they see one of their parents crying or any of the adults they are living with. 

When you hold back your tears and your emotions, you explode, because you have blocked the valve for your emotions to escape. This is when you become a hostage of your emotions. The mess you have created from this is now bigger than the original distress. And the result here has now affected the whole family, including the children. The aftermath of it can be devastating.

It doesn’t matter if the children see you cry. If there is nowhere for you to cry in private, that should not be a reason for you not to cry. Children need to be taught there is a better natural way to release their emotional steam. Children often become troubled and end up in juvenile detention. These children often grow up to commit minor crimes and eventually go on to have a criminal career. It’s understandable we are not to blame for the cycle of suppressed emotions. It’s what we were taught growing up. It’s up to us to turn our lives around. It’s up to us to say. “No”, to old school nonsense custom and cultures. 

As you struggle with depression, it’s  important to know and acknowledge you are emotionally fragile. By doing so, you protect yourself from a severe melt-down that could potentially harm yourself or anyone else around you at that time.

It's time to break the cycle.

Suppressing your emotions is a form of emotional abuse. And you ought not to blame anybody else but yourself for becoming a victim of emotional abuse. 

It’s important for us to stand up and be different if that is what it takes to heal and thrive. We are afraid of being different. We are afraid of being the one that doesn’t look normal like everyone else.

The question here is: Who decides what is normal and what is not normal for you? Did we come to this world with instructions on how to be normal? The only normality is the normality that comes from you, the normality that was not instilled inside you by culture and custom.

Set yourself free from the prison of emotional suppression. Expand your wings beyond the scope of old beliefs and let yourself free. You will soon discover how beautiful life is with you in the driver seat. 

Depression is a result of many things including our upbringing, yet we continue to hold on to the very things that have damaged us. It’s important to recognize this pattern and get away from it.

Struggling with depression and continuing to bottle your emotions, will not only delay the healing process, but it will also make things worse. You putting pressure on your heart, and your blood pressure. Your cortisol levels spike. The damage to your body and your vital organs is not immediate but over time it can be devastating and sometimes it’s irreversible.


Use your emotions to overcome your emotional battles.

Your emotions pack is a perfectly engineered compass. It tells you how you feel at a certain moment and in a certain situation. It can differentiate between good and bad. Sadness and sorrow. It’s your guide to understanding your situation at a certain point in your life. 

Understanding your emotions and their function is vital for your survival.

When you cry, you feel good afterward. It’s almost like, those tears are the very elements that caused you to cry, they are released through tears when you cry. (This is how I see it) Your heart opens up and your chest starts to lighten up from tightness. 

You can overcome your emotions through your emotions. How? Simple; release your emotions. Let your emotions out, when you let them free, they in turn set you free. If you don’t want to be seen releasing your emotions, go for a walk. Find a comfortable place to release your emotions. Try the shower. It’s a wonderful little place with water running making the process easy,  comfortable, and close to home. 

I’m not a person that will hold back from exposing the truth about my own struggle with depression. 

From the moment I decided to make it my mission to educate and support other mums struggling with depression, I hold nothing behind.

The shower is my preferred place to cry, it’s not because i don’t want the kids to see me cry, but I cry better in the shower. It gives me complete freedom to cry as long as I want. It also feels good and peaceful. The water gives my body a calm sense of wellbeing. 

If you haven’t tried it, go ahead and try it. 

Releasing angry emotions safely.

Some emotions are powerful and destructive if not handled with care. You are not more powerful than your emotions,  and you are not more intelligent than your emotions. 

It’s not easy to manipulate your emotions. You can easily get caught in a wave of emotions unprepared that will throw you out of place.

You have to constantly remember your emotions in the background when you are new to these methods. 

My depression has done me great grief as well as some goodness. Learning to understand my emotions was all because of my depression. (I’ll cover that in a different post)

When you feel a sense of anger over something or someone, your only option is to deal with that anger straight away. You can deal with it emotionally with tears, you can deal with it emotionally with mental exercise to stimulate the bundle of emotions of love, caring, and compassion. These emotions are powerful healing emotions if you know how to use th4em and when to call on them, you will be safe and well on your way to a more fulfilling life. 

They are my favorite option when dealing with any kind of unpleasant emotions. 

The next option is to leave the house immediately and go for a fast walk. You need to do something that will burn the energy of anger. Something intense you can feel in your muscles. Do this until you feel beaten by whatever you choose to do. 

One other option which I do, is to give the house a speed clean. Put a timer, and your challenge is to finish before the time is up. I love this option. It kills two birds with one stone. By the time I am done, I’m over my anger without any trouble and the house is clean, and even got the laundry on the way. Sometimes it is all you need to get your body and your mind to go to work with your housekeeping routine. You will continue with the rest of your daily routine while your anger has been taken care of in a very intelligent fruitful manner. 

Speed cleaning is like sprinting, it burns energy faster,  your heart rate goes up and your muscles start to feel the intense pressure of the fast movement without a rest in between. Burning the energy stuck in anger, in the process. 

Sprint cleaning is equivalent to exercising. It raises your blood pressure which is good for your heart, and it burns energy. When the energy that has built up with your anger is burnt and diminished. Your body gets tired.

The energy that feeds your anger, pushes it towards the level of rage, and then to the explosive ending, has now been eliminated. You are safe, everyone is safe physically and emotionally. Congratulations, You Won!

Cherish your emotions, and release them wisely with compassion. Let them free whenever they sink inside you, in turn, they will release you and free you from your misery.

Thank you for reading. Do connect with me on Facebook through the task of the day link in the header. 

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