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Smart Spark Me Time Procedure: Part One

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After Morning Speed Cleaning Me Time

Smart Spark Me Time is a set of 20 to 30 minutes time slot allocated for you to do anything you want that has nothing to do with anyone else or anything else.
These slots come between your daily routines.

Your first Smart Spark Me Time slot of the day is after your Morning Speed Cleaning Routine.

Now that you have done your morning speed cleaning, refresh your face by splashing with fresh water before you start or have a shower to refresh yourself if you have sweat out during your speed cleaning run.

Put away all devices, turn them off and out of sight.

Make yourself a healthy snack or a healthy drink or tea.

Find somewhere peaceful to sit.

Breathing Exercise

Relax, close your eyes. Breathe deep breaths in and out by inhaling until you can no longer inhale then slowly exhale. Do this thrice.

Now open your eyes.

Now lie back on your back, or sit in a comfortable position. Tuck your tummy in. Close your eyes again.

Now pay attention to your heart, monitor its weight, is it Heavy – Medium- Light or Empty? Catch the weight of your heart and feel it. Never lose contact with your heart weight and feel and be aware of your tummy tuck.
If you relax your tummy and you noticed it, immediately tighten it back. [this prevents your mind from wondering somewhere else.]

Now with the feel and the weight of your heart awareness in your mind, slowly quiet your mind down by gathering your thoughts to one place and push them aside by saying the following slowly: I’m in peace, I’m in Peace, I’m in peace, I’m in peace, I’m in peace, I’m well and so happy, I’m grateful for what I have achieved so far today. I’m in a much better position than many, I’m in a better position than many. I’m grateful for what I already have, I’m well and full of joy in this blessed beautiful day. My happy, I’m a wonderful mum, I’m a capable Woman, I’m in peace, I’m in peace, I’m in peace. Repeat these words and phrases until you feel a shift in your heart weight and feel. [you can add any other positive phrases you want] Your mind must be quiet when you are in this state. Once your heart shift or changed its weight and feel, here you should feel the need to exhale. Exhale out all that was making your heart weigh and feel heavy. Now open your eyes and relax your tummy.

Once you open your eyes, Inhale and exhale once more. 

Continue on with your Me Time!

Now you may continue with your drink or your snack.

Sit in peace and enjoy your snack. Feel and taste every bite you take from your snack and every sip to take from your food. See if you can identify what you’re eating by their taste and scent.

Now have your drink or your snack. Sit in peace and enjoy your snack, lunch or drink. Feel every bite and taste of your snack and drink. See if you can identify what you’re eating by their taste, e.g., when you bite on a tomato, say in your mind: tomatoes, and so on. This is to hold your mind with you so as not to wander away before you finished your Smart Spark Me Time. This is also a way for you to enjoy your meal. {Mindful eating }

There are lots out there from universities and scientist about mindful eating and its benefits to our overall wellbeing.
Continue this until you finished your last bite and last sip of your drink. Do not move or plan to move until you have completely finished with your snack and drink.
Now you can move on to your task of the day when you’re ready.

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