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Recharge Your Power

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Mind Speed Cleaning

Our mind is one very important part of us, it’s the power center of our being that makes us or breaks us.
The mind has always been in the center of many researchers and scientist work and over time we have come to learn more about who we are in the  use of our mind. Great information now made available to us these days to better understand how our mind works and how it affect us directly and indirectly.


In order for us to make the best of our day and our potentials we really need to pay attention to our mind and it’s power, we need to learn it’s trick and understand how it works. We need to turn this powerful tool to our advantage to benefit us. 

We all know the negative and the positive part in our mind.

This section is the  most important and the first part of the Smart Spark Living cleaning routine you need to master before you could go on to the next step.

One reason why we could not or can not successfully achieved our dreams and our wishes is due to the clutter in our mind.

Like anything clutter, nothing can be done in your living room until you declutter it and clean it up then you will be able to see exactly where you want to put this and that and only then you can put in place things you want to go in the living room. 
e.g. If you have bought a new couch, you’re not going to put in on top of the other couch already exist or dump it next to other couches the tv etc.You want to see the living room in a beautiful setting that will please you and appreciate the beauty of your new couch. In order for this to happen you need to clear out the whole place then organised and set up the room as you wish to bring out the beauty you aiming at. This is the same method you need to do and achieved with your mind before you can start to declutter and to clean your home.

Work on the issues that are blocking your way to success with your home cleaning and organizing venture.

Discover Your Power

Many think of power as some kind of superstitions thing that only some movie producer can whip up an entertaining script for the big screen.

Your power is not something mysterious and it’s not the kind of power in your imagination where you touch a pile of any metal and you will turn them into gold as you wish. [Although this is possible but not in this manner] 

Think of yourself as extraordinary being: Determine, capable, strong, intelligent, happy, problem solver, optimistic a good leader etc, Think of all the good things you want to be and be in that very moment, don’t delay. 

Allow yourself to feel  those characters and qualities in you. See yourself in those qualities, start thinking like one in that very instance. Visualize your strength and yourself in action using those qualities and character. 

Keep all the characters and qualities you have chosen for yourself alive all times in your mind or as much as possible. 

Once all these characters and qualities get engraved in your mind, you will soon find yourself light and joyful with lots of energy to do the things you want to do and achieved.

Live the new you and let your power emerge and start living your dream life, start living your nice clean organised you are about to work on. Live in your clean home before you even start moving one item. 

You must live this characters and qualities and live in your clean, warm, organised home before you do anything until you feel the immense urge to start. 

Try not to lose contact with this new you. Hold on to it as much as you can, get back to that new you as soon as you realized you lost grip of it. 

Managing to hold on, live, breath, enjoy and celebrate this new you is your power. Your power over your mind, when you live the new you continuously you are winning over your mind. You’re living the new you, the new you made and designed by you, not the one designed by your mind.

The new you is your power. This is all what you need to get the rest of what you want done and flow with ease.

Good luck with this part. 

Your feedback is always welcome and appreciated. 

Any updates will be posted on my Instagram.

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