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One Task A Day Keep Stress, clutter and dirt away

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Task Of The Day Routine

The three sub-routine ties together to make the one perfect miracle cleaning routine that will make your life smooth with lots of time in your hands to rest or to do anything you want to do.

Task of the day are things you don’t do every day. e.g. Cleaning widows, walls, fridge, shower, etc,. 

At the end of this article, some important points on how “smart spark cleaning task of the day” will benefit you greatly, how efficient, and how it’s a lifesaver for anyone struggling to put their house together and keep it clean all day every day.  

How to do the smart spark cleaning one task a day routine.

Task a day is one of the most important part of the perfect house-wife smart spark cleaning routine.

This idea, if well followed, you will see instance reward and satisfaction with your life. All the parts of your home that haven’t cleaned for years and have been annoying you will suddenly disappear without you feeling the load of the work. You will no longer feel stressed and feel not good enough or think of yourself as a bad, unfit mum.

One task a day together with the “smart spark evening and morning cleaning routine” will change your life and will give you that always clean home you couldn’t achieve for years.

Pick a room you want to start with. One room at a time. Try to finish one room within four days. It’s very important to set a due date. Without it, you could go on forever in one small room.

Discipline is vital in this process.

  1. Clean windows and window sills
  2. Clean the walls
  3. Clean under and behind beds
  4. Organise and declutter drawers
  5. Organise and declutter wardrobe
  6. General declutter
  7. Dusting
  8. Remove curtains for wash (if needed)
  9. organise book shelves
  10. Dust surfaces and knick-knacks.

Each task above is one task. The same goes with other examples below. The choice is yours to make. You could do only one a day until you finish the room or if you think you can do more, that’s up to you. (I usually do the entire room in one day).

For the kitchen
  • Tidy the pots and pans cupboard
  • declutter and clean your food pantry
  • Clean under the sink-get rid of any empty spray bottles and old scrubbers.
  • Clean the plates, cups and glasses, cupboards/shelves.
  • Clean oven and stove.
  • Clean the back and around of the stove/oven.
  • Clean windows and window sills.
  • Clean the stove hood and fans.
  • Now clean your fridge if the fridge is in the kitchen. If not, make its own day.
  • And last, wipe down the walls if you have an extendable mop to reach the ceiling, use it to wipe down the ceiling.

Each task above is one task. The same goes with other examples below. The choice is yours to make. You could do only one a day until you finish the room or if you think you can do more, that’s up to you. (I usually do the entire room in one day).

Lounge-And Dinning
  • Adjust cushions and chairs.
  • Pick up any rubbish and take to the trash bin.
  • Take any cups and plates to the kitchen.
  • Tidy anything that’s out of place and adjust anything that’s not in place.
  • Wipe down tables.

If you did evening cleaning the night before, these areas should be clean unless someone was roaming around after you cleaned up.

For the bathrooms and toilets.
  • Clean windows and widow sills
  • Clean the shower
  • Clean the bath
  • Change all curtains (if you don’t have spares, put them in the wash and have them ready before the end of the day).

Each task above is one task. The same goes with other examples below. The choice is yours to make. You could do only one a day until you finish the room or if you think you can do more, that’s up to you. (I usually do the entire room in one day).

How long should it take to finish one room?

The time that will take you to finish a room will depend on:
  1. it’s size.
  2. The size and numbers of drawers.
  3. The size of the wardrobe and its contents.
  4. The size of the windows.
  5. The number of furnitures.
  6. The size of the walls and floor etc,. 


One complete task a day.

This is crucial to successfully achieving your goal. You must complete one task you have chosen. Completing more than one task a day will be an enormous success. 

Though this must be part of your plan from the start. You shouldn’t feel any pressure to complete over one task.

However, if you feel comfortable and in great spirit to do as much as you “can” then no harm in doing so.

No matter what task you choose, you must complete one task. There are no two ways about it. 

Set a timer.

Timer is a house-wife and mum with depression’s best friend.

My memory gave way after I suffer depression, especially short memory. I put something down, next minute I can’t remember where I put it. 

While the timer does not remind me where I put my cup of coffee, it reminds me of the next task; it keeps me focus and keeps me on track.

Timer also makes things faster. If you don’t set a timer, you will spend all your time on social media, or chatting with a friend and forgot you are on a mission. Perhaps you’ll want to share your new adventure on TikTok or Instagram.

Next you’re stuck on your phone checking comments and likes. Before you know it, you’re out of time. It’s now time to cook dinner and you’re nowhere near half the task.

Before you start on your task, set your timer. A good time to start with is 1 hour. Here you need to challenge that one hour. Don’t aim to finish at the last second of the one hour. Instead, aim at finishing before the end of the one hour.

If you finish before the one hour. Assess yourself. Can you start another task or you would like to take a break and continue the next day? That’s all up to you. Your mental and physical state are important to be considered before you decide here.

If you run out of time, reset the time between 10-30 minutes. Don’t set a very long time. That would be the equivalent of no timer. Try to finish up before this round. Every time you run out of time, reset the timer and always use the timer. 

Your goal.

Above, I mentioned how long should it take for you to finish a room. It will depend on the size of the room etc,. 

However, remember the longer you drag on the longer it will take to complete the task, resulting in falling back. Procrastination and quit all together.

The motivation is from your everyday success, but the bigger motivation is when that room is done. When you stand with your hands on your side, looking at what you have achieved. You will feel a sense of pride and joy. That is what you need to continue.

So your goal is to finish the entire room by Thursday, if you started on Monday.  You will need to be honest with yourself regarding the size of the room. If the room is small, aim for one day. A day is 24 hours. I don’t mean 24 hours; I mean day by what it’s called. Monday, Tuesday etc,. 

Why smart spark cleaning task of the day?

Why Smart Spark cleaning task of the day?

One task a day keeps things going, it keeps things in order, clean and organised. If you have been depressed for one year, most likely your home has not seen cleaning for that entire year. 

When things become too messy, too cluttered and too much, we get overwhelmed, our whole body turns off. We then put things off. You think tomorrow you will do it.

Comes tomorrow, things are too much for you. Slowly, things get even worse, and finally you just ignore the whole mess and accept to live with it. Deep down in your heart, you want to live in a clean place, but how when the mess has beaten you before you could pick up one thing from the floor? 

This is where one task a day comes to your rescue. One task of the day is the perfect solution for anyone struggling with cleaning their homes and keep it clean.

One task a day helps you to stay on track, by guiding you with a detail plan as above.

One Room a week is an immense success.

Thinking about this; for a moment. When you have one room clean every week, that is an enormous success from- the entire house growing the mess and clutter daily. More over, you did it with ease with0ut maj0r stress.

Why choosing a room?

This will help you stay focus. By choosing one room at a time. It made you to focus on that one room only, preventing your mind from distracting you with ideas and from thinking about other rooms in the house that need cleaning.

 Choosing a room is discipline, it will prevent you from confusion.

I know from experiences when I’m sick and unable to do anything for days, by the time I get better, the mess is overwhelming. But when you choose a room, you know you are on track. You know exactly what you need to do, and where you need to continue from where you stopped last time.

What would you prefer?

Would you rather have one room with clean windows? While everything else is not? One room with clean drawers but everything else are not.

Or would you rather have an entire room clean from top to bottom that takes your breath away when you entered? Nothing out of place and smells fresh, your airways are open and relaxed.

Focus on one room at a time will for sure help you stay clear-headed about what you need to do right to get your home in order. 

Why choose one task a day?

Remember, one task a day is the minimum, but you can choose as many as you can according to your mental and physical health and ability.

You must do nothing against your body and mind’s strength. It’s against the law of health. I know some of us have a determination power that beats all the odds.

I am one of those. No matter how sick or tired I am if I really want to do something, and have my mind focus on it. It will be done! Even if that means struggle. But it won’t be a painful struggle.

It’s all in the mind and it’s power to control. We can help the mind get us through some task, as we can help the mind put us down and strip us of our strength and willpower.

No more time wasted and living in mess and clutter.

You could waste the day, months and years wondering where to start, or you could start now, with a plan that works, a plan that will guide you through. 

It’s starting somewhere which is important. It doesn’t matter how long it will take, but you’re on to it.

You could sit there one week after the other. Stressed and depressed about the condition of things in your home. Or you could start on the plan and change each depressed day to a good, successful day.  

With the smart spark, cleaning one task a day. You will have your home as you wish, revealing in front of your eyes slowly, slowly. Stress free! 

One task a day helps you to start the process, with its plan and guidelines. 

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